Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake

A circular, white wooden Christmas bauble with a snowflake laser cut out the centre

Without us really realising it, Etched on the Wolds was born out of Christmas.

It’s only reflecting back now though, do we see how much the festive time of year has played a part in where we are today.

Starting in December 2018 in fact and like most good tales, it begins with a drink or two.

We were out enjoying some Christmas cocktails together in a bar in our hometown of York.

We noticed the walls of this particular bar were adorned with antique looking, quirky signs. 

Rich noticed just how much Kirsty liked them and, like any good partner, made a mental note for Christmas.

Fast-forward to the morning of 25th December and to her delight, Kirsty unwrapped a ‘No Riff Raff’ pallet sign. So thoughtful, funny and beautifully made by Rich. It was completely one of a kind and a perfect memory of a lovely night.

It immediately went above the door from the kitchen through to the living room and remains there today, getting lots of compliments, comments and quips from those we welcome into our home.

Since we created Etched on the Wolds in December 2021, it turns out No Riff Raff is our best seller yet. Maybe because it’s a product particularly close to our hearts as it’s where it all began. Albeit unknowingly back then. 

But thinking about it, even before then, on a trip to the Lake District in April 2015, our love for fun signage was evident.

We laughed together at a pretty brutal one about Christmas trains at Lakeside Station. Finding it so good we took a photo:

“No extra trains at Christmas! If you get left, you’ll only have yourself to blame!”

We’ve even tried to find a copy of this one in the past to no avail. Answers on a postcard if you can help. 

Looking back, it gives us a warming feeling piecing together the path that led us to Etched on the Wolds.

Clearly there were more steps, things to consider and decisions to be made before we opened shop some years later. But it shows how things in your life lead you to where you’re meant to be.

Rich’s background as a teacher of Design and Technology, for instance, and his degree in Graphic Design plus a passion for creativity and a firm belief in sustainability has culminated in a small, family run, Yorkshire business we’re proud of.

Particularly because, ultimately, Etched on the Wolds has kindness and joy at its heart. Starting with a single thoughtful moment one Christmas time, some laughter and lots of love.

So, we mark the moments that matter to you because that’s what matters to us.

Merry Christmas!


Rich and Kirsty x


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